
Bardic Circle

Can you sing? Play an instrument? Read poetry? Tell stories? Then we invite you to join our bardic circle! You don’t need to be a professional performer! And you are welcome to just watch and enjoy the performances.

Jenna Greene

Emmy-nominated musician Jenna Greene is a singer-songwriter and harpist, a weaver of musical myth and magic will be performing on Saturday night for our themed dinner: Myths and Legends. 

With a voice that is both ethereal and soulful, she sings of ancient lore, finding wonder and following dreams. 

She beautifully interlaces her Celtic and World Folk influences to create a presentation of haunting ballads, drum-driven dance tunes, lilting harp and mythic story. 

Jenna has released four solo albums, as well as two duo albums with Kellianna and Robert McClung.  She was recently nominated for an Emmy for Best Music Composition for the mystical short film, The Woodland Alchemy.

Southern New England Witch Dancers

The Southern New England Chapter of the Wolfshäger Hexenbrüts DANCE TROUPE will be performing on Saturday. This dance troupe was created on August 9th, 2022, to perform the ORIGINAL choreography of the Wolfshager Hexenbruts of Germany. They perform not only the witches’ dance, but other dances by the Hexenbrüts as well. They will be premiering a new dance, specifically created for CWPN’s Harvest Gathering, titled “Blessed Are We”.

The Thread Documentary

This year we are hosting the crew of a documentary film called ‘The Thread’. This is not a documentary of Harvest Gathering, but rather they are working with several of our speakers to create a documentary about the greater pagan community. They will not be photographing the general public or rituals, they will have limited recording for our Friday panel discussion and certain classes. They are working with us to make sure no one is recorded without their permission. If you would LIKE to be recorded for the documentary, approach the film crew!